Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Carpathians!!! (mountains not vampires :P)

for blog number two I'm going discuss the effect of the sublime and give you a description of what Carpathians are, so people who have the same intellect as me can begin to understand the complex variety of words used in the Gothic novel 'Dracula'.

Firstly i think I'll inform you of why i decided to talk about the Carpathians as my first blog about the content of the book. well, i started to read the book subconsciously, to be honest i couldn't be bothered to read it. Each word i read seemed to leave my brain as quickly as they entered. And when it came to my lovely teacher :) asking me what i understood from the first chapter, i was lost for words. I seemed to think the Carpathians were a species of vampire, rather than there correct meaning of mountains, i don't see how i can confuse the two, but that's just my luck. Below i am going to give a brief description on the 'Carpathians' and the 'Sublime'.

(quoted from wikipedia)

'The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc of roughly 1,500 km (932 mi) across Central and Eastern Europe, making them the largest mountain range in Europe. They provide the habitat for the largest populations in Europe of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes, with the highest concentration in Romania, as well as over one third of all European plant species' (they mentioned all of this in the first chapter so only a pathetic excuse for a English student, like me, would not understand).

These mountains are mentioned frequently throughout the text in chapter one, the Carpathians are described as enormous, they are something of such greatness, that nothing else can be compared to them, they are of enormous magnitude. 'Edmund Burke' is the first philosopher to state that the sublime and the beautiful were mutually exclusive (meaning that they are the same, but that is very unusual comparing something so large and scary but at the same time it could be beautiful). I think the sublime is going to become a common use in the book, already i have seen uses of eye saws in the book (the mountains, castles which show size yet beauty) but maybe as i progress through the book i am expecting there to be a comparison to Dracula and the sublime, showing that although he is terrifying he still has beauty, well see what happens...

I am looking forward to discussing more words which confuse me throughout blogging :)

Monday, 21 September 2009

A little insite to Dan

Howdy :)
i thought id try and make this first little bit of blogging a little interesting to try and maybe get some followers, before i go into the full and in depth study of a well known book from history called 'Dracula'. My name is Daniel, I'm sixteen and have decided (for some reason which is unknown to me) to take English literature and language as one of my A levels. This is also an piece of text i can use towards my 1000 words a week, every little helps :) Throughout the year i will try and post 1000 words a week, which is virtually impossible for me, but I'll give it a go, i try to follow this quote ' Always give a hundred percent, and you'll never have to second-guess yourself ' but so far its not going to plan. In a weird an nerdy way i am looking forward to reading 'Dracula'. I love the idea of Gothic novels, and this is very cliche of my generation but i absolutely and completely love the twilight series and how the explore a darker and more mysterious kind of lust and Ive never read a book where the love between a couple seems to be spilling off the page. If u ever have a chance pick one up, do :) MY RECOMMENDATION!
well that's my first blog
wish me luck in the future
p.s if anyone can send me some hints and tips for my blogging please help, i a newbie u see...